Discover how our
Absence Management solutions can help you. Contact us today.

Absence Management

In 2010, Canadian full-time employees lost a total of 100 million work days for health and non-health related reasons. On average, an employee was off 7.4 days due to illness or disability. - Statistics Canada 2010


A Tailored Approach to Absence Management

We recognize the impact absenteeism can have on a company’s overall service, product quality, productivity, and bottom-line.

We also understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why all of our Absent Management Services are customized to match the unique needs of your specific situation.

Learn more about our Absence Management services below.

Plan Design

We understand that there may be more cost effective ways to manage absenteeism and disability cases. To ensure your organization receives the best and most appropriate solution, our management and medical team will consult with you and assist in the development and implementation of a customized disability/absence management program, or make recommendations for improvements to your current program. 

Understanding your organization – the culture and work environment – is a critical step in building a successful program that will support your specific workplace needs. It’s also how we begin our planning process.


Our Plans Leave No Details Behind

With every case, our professionals will analyze and assess your organization's current and historical absenteeism records. Once this crucial task has been completed, we proceed to work with you to establish an effective program designed to minimize your costs and return your employees back to the workforce as quickly and safely as possible.

Meetings during this process are crucial to monitor the program to ensure that your goals are achieved and that the plan is implemented and administered effectively.