Discover how our
Substance Abuse Programs
and solutions can help.
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Substance Abuse

It is estimated that 1 in 5 Canadians will be affected by addiction sometime in their life, and that on any given week, 500,000 employed Canadians are unable to work because of it. The Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse estimates that over $24 billion dollars per year is lost in productivity because of substance abuse alone.


Working Around a Sensitive Issue

While abuse of substances such as alcohol, illicit drugs or prescription medications is not new, there is increasing awareness of how the workplace is affected.

Job performance may be jeopardized in ways such as increased absences, lower productivity, frequent errors, decreased quality of work, or resentment towards the employee or employer. Safety may be compromised for employees while increasing liability for the employer.


How Employers Can Help

Employers can be key players in affecting positive change, often beginning with a Substance-Free Workplace Policy. A commitment to employee wellness programs, supervisor training and employee education programs assist in creating an informed and supportive workplace. Supporting employees throughout their treatment plan, whether outpatient or inpatient, is usually less expensive than replacing the employee. With proper treatment and support, the employee can return to work and be more productive than before, while demonstrating that the employer is compassionate and cares about the health and safety of their employees.


How CBML Can Help

Shifting the employee from a place of ambivalence to one of action occurs when expectations and boundaries are set by the employer. Our Substance Abuse Services, listed below, are designed to help employers set those boundaries and put employees back onto a productive, healthier path.

Learn more about our Absence Management services below.

Smoking Cessation Programs

The Harsh Realities of Smoking and Work

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease in Canada with an estimated 37,000 deaths per year. This does not include over 6,000 deaths per year that result from second hand exposure.

The cost of tobacco dependence is substantial in many sectors, including employment and health care. Of considerable concern to employers is the increased costs related to disability claims, increased absenteeism and decreased productivity.


Butting Out and How We Can Help

Our Smoking Cessation Programs are designed to assist employers in taking an integrated approach to this health issue - supporting you in policy development, while selecting EAP and Group Benefits plans to your needs, budget, and workplace programs.

Because education and support are key elements in motivating employees to make changes related to their tobacco use, we offer on-site education sessions. Facilitated by trained group leaders, our smoking cessation programs proactively assist employees in not only establishing a quit date, but also supporting them in maintaining their progress.